Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother's wife peuromoh adoe, teumuda peuromoh adoe, teumuda
daughter aneuk inong aneuk inong
daughter's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
daughter's son cucoe agam cucoe agam
father ayah ayah
father's father abuchik, abusyi abuchik, abusyi
father's mother mucut mucut
father's older brother ayah tuha, ayah teungoh ayah tuha, ayah teungoh
father's older sister nya'teungoh, nya'tuha nya'teungoh, nya'tuha
father's younger brother ayah cut ayah cut
father's younger sister nya'cut nya'cut
husband - lakoe
husband's brother - ipah
husband's father - ayah tuan
husband's mother - bunda tuan
husband's sister - bisan
mother bunda bunda
mother's father abuchik, abusyi abuchik, abusyi
mother's mother mucut mucut
mother's older brother ayah tuha, ayah teungoh ayah tuha, ayah teungoh
mother's older sister nya'teungoh, nya'tuha nya'teungoh, nya'tuha
mother's younger brother ayah cut ayah cut
mother's younger sister nya'cut nya'cut
son aneuk agam aneuk agam
son's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
son's son cucoe agam cucoe agam
wife peurumoh -
wife's brother parui -
wife's father ayah tuan -
wife's mother bunda tuan -
wife's sister ipah -
sister's husband lakoe adun, po lem lakoe adun, po lem
older brother po lem po lem
older brother's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
older brother's son aneuk keumuen agam aneuk keumuen agam
older sister poda poda
older sister's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
older sister's son aneuk keumuen agam aneuk keumuen agam
younger brother adun adun
younger brother's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
younger brother's son aneuk keumuen agam aneuk keumuen agam
younger sister adoe adoe
younger sister's daughter cucoe inong cucoe inong
younger sister's son aneuk keumuen agam aneuk keumuen agam