Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
ancestor abbū abbū
brother ahu ahu
brother's wife hatanu, mār, emētu hatanu, mār, emētu
child ginû, līdu, ulādu, ildu, hayāni ginû, līdu, ulādu, ildu, hayāni
daughter bintu bintu
daughter's son bīn bīni bīn bīni
father abu abu
father's brother mahā'um, abim mahā'um, abim
father's father ababim ababim
father's sister mahātum mahātum
father's older brother mahā'um TRUE
father's older sister mahātum TRUE
father's younger brother mahā'um TRUE
father's younger sister mahātum TRUE
husband mutu mutu
husband's brother hatanu, emu, mār, mutu hatanu, emu, mār, mutu
husband's father hatanu, emu, yabāmum hatanu, emu, yabāmum
husband's mother hatanu hatanu
husband's sister hatanu, mār, emētu hatanu, mār, emētu
mother agarrinu, ugu, bāntu agarrinu, ugu, bāntu
mother's brother mahā'um, hälu mahā'um, hälu
mother's father ababim ababim
mother's sister mahātum mahātum
mother's older brother mahā'um TRUE
mother's older sister mahātum TRUE
mother's younger brother mahā'um TRUE
mother's younger sister mahātum TRUE
son bīnu, terdû, pusukka, busukku bīnu, terdû, pusukka, busukku
wife aššatu, hirtu, issu, marhitu, ašubbatu aššatu, hirtu, issu, marhitu, ašubbatu
wife's brother hatanu, emu, mār, mutu hatanu, emu, mār, mutu
wife's father hatanu, emu, abi muti, yabāmum hatanu, emu, abi muti, yabāmum
wife's mother hatanu hatanu
wife's sister hatanu, mār, emētu hatanu, mār, emētu
sister's husband hatanu, emu, mār, mutu hatanu, emu, mār, mutu
co- wife tappātu tappātu
older brother šešgallu, rabû šešgallu, rabû
older sister sehru sehru
younger brother duppussû duppussû
younger sister ahätatum ahâtatum