Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
ancestor eménoa eménoa
brother rijimá, rijimara rijimá, rijimara
brother's daughter ko'chí ko'chí
brother's wife re'poara, re'pora, re'po re'poara, re'pora, re'po
child kúčiwa, mará kúčiwa, mará
daughter mará -
daughter's daughter apalóchiwa -
daughter's husband mo'né-ra mo'né-ra
daughter's husband's father sarí, na'sarí sarí, na'sarí
daughter's husband's mother nawyá nawyá
daughter's son u'súwara, ochíkoara, apalóchiwa -
father onorá, norá, onori, marirúame, omrúame, onó marí, onorá, norá, onori, marirúame, omrúame, onó
father's brother kumú-či, ri'chi, ri'chirá kumú-či, ri'chi, ri'chirá
father's brother's son boní boní
father's brother's older son boní boní
father's brother's younger son boní boní
father's father oći-parti, oči-kari oći-parti, oči-kari
father's sister apochí, apó, baporá, wapó apochí, apó, baporá, wapó
father's sister's son boní boní
father's sisters's older son boní boní
father's sisters's younger son boní boní
father's older brother kumú-či, ri'chi, ri'chirá kumú-či, ri'chi, ri'chirá
father's older brother's son boní boní
father's older sister soró soró
father's older sister's son boní boní
father's younger brother kumú-či, ti'chirá, ukú, ri'chirúrema kumú-či, ti'chirá, ukú, ri'chirúrema
father's younger brother's son boní boní
father's younger sister apó apó
father's younger sister's son boní boní
husband - guná, kuná
husband's brother - če'e
husband's father si'a, si'arugame, si'arúame si'a, si'arugame, si'arúame
husband's mother wasí wasí
husband's sister kuné, guné kuné, guné
mother čiči, eyera, eyé, erafer, nana, eyerúreme, eyeri čiči, eyera, eyé, erafer, nana, eyerúreme, eyeri
mother's brother ri'chi, ra'tera, ~ra'téchuwa, ri'chirá ri'chi, ra'tera, ~ra'téchuwa, ri'chirá
mother's brother's son boní boní
mother's brother's older son boní boní
mother's brother's younger son ra'terá ra'terá
mother's father apároči, apál, apá apároči, apál, apá
mother's mother u'sú, suwí, su'í u'sú, suwí, su'í
mother's sister's son boní boní
mother's sisters's older son boní boní
mother's sisters's younger son boní boní
mother's older brother kurichi kurichi
mother's older brother's son boní, ra'téchiwa ra'techiwa, boní
mother's older sister's son boní boní
mother's younger brother ra'té ri'chi, ra'tera, ~ra'téchuwa, ri'chirá
mother's younger brother's son ra'techi ra'techi
mother's younger sister's son boní boní
parent's parent a'ká-čuri a'ká-čuri
son raná, no, nowa raná, no, nowa
son's daughter apalóchiwa -
son's son u'súwara, ochíkoara, apalóchiwa -
son's wife's father sarí, na'sarí sarí, na'sarí
son's wife's mother nawyá nawyá
wife biré, ubí, upí, jubí, upera biré, ubí, upera, jubí
wife's brother če'e, muchímani, muchímari, chi'neri, chi'néara chi'néara, muchímari, muchímani, chi'neri
wife's father si'a, si'arugame, si'arúame si'a, si'arugame, si'arúame
wife's mother wasí wasí
sister's husband muchímani, chi'neri, chi'néara, che'e, wágara muchímani, chi'neri, chi'néara, che'e, wágara
older brother ba'či, ba'chérema ba'či, ba'chérema
older brother's daughter ko'chí ko'chí
older sister go'či, ko'chí go'či, ko'chí
older sister's son ~ra'téchuwa ~ra'téchuwa
younger brother boní boní
younger brother's daughter ko'chí ko'chí
younger sister binirúame, biní, wayé, binérema, wa'íra, ko'chirúame binirúame, biní, wayé, binérema, wa'íra, wa'í, ko'chirúame