Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother bwisi moengai
brother's daughter lai lai
brother's son lai lai
child lai lai
child's child launei launei
daughter lai rowot lai rowot
daughter's daughter launei launei
daughter's son launei launei
spouse vetiai vetiai
father tamai tamai
father's brother tamai tamai
father's brother's daughter moengai bwisi
father's brother's son bwisi moengai
father's brother's older daughter moengai bwisi
father's brother's older son bwisi moengai
father's brother's younger daughter moengai bwisi
father's brother's younger son bwisi moengai
father's father tamatamai tamatamai
father's mother sin ni tamai sin ni tamai
father's sister silei silei
father's older brother tamai tamai
father's older brother's daughter moengai bwisi
father's older brother's son bwisi moengai
father's older sister silei silei
father's younger brother tamai tamai
father's younger brother's daughter moengai bwisi
father's younger brother's son bwisi moengai
father's younger sister silei silei
husband's brother bwisin ni vetiai bwisin ni vetiai
husband's sister moengar ni vetiai moengar ni vetiai
mother silei silei
mother's brother manenepai manenepai
mother's father tamaan ni silei tamaan ni silei
mother's mother sin ni silei sin ni silei
mother's sister silei silei
mother's sister's daughter moengai bwisi
mother's sister's son bwisi moengai
mother's sisters's older daughter moengai bwisi
mother's sisters's older son bwisi moengai
mother's sisters's younger daughter moengai bwisi
mother's sisters's younger son bwisi moengai
mother's older brother manenepai manenepai
mother's older sister silei silei
mother's older sister's daughter moengai bwisi
mother's older sister's son bwisi moengai
mother's younger brother manenepai manenepai
mother's younger sister silei silei
mother's younger sister's daughter moengai bwisi
mother's younger sister's son bwisi moengai
son lai mwal lai mwal
son's daughter launei launei
son's son launei launei
wife's brother moengar ni vetiai moengar ni vetiai
wife's father taman ni vetiai taman ni vetiai
wife's sister bwisin ni vetiai bwisin ni vetiai
sister moengai bwisi
sister's daughter vatuwei -
sister's son vatuwei -
older brother bwisi moengai
older brother's daughter lai lai
older brother's son lai lai
older sister moengai bwisi
older sister's daughter vatuwei -
older sister's son vatuwei -
younger brother bwisi moengai
younger brother's daughter lai lai
younger brother's son lai lai
younger sister moengai bwisi
younger sister's daughter vatuwei -
younger sister's son vatuwei -