Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
child tua'' tua''
daughter pačï pačï
daughter's husband munna, mona-ci munna, mona-ci
spouse piŋwá piŋwá
father moa moa
father's brother ai- ai-
father's brother's son ai- -
father's brother's older son ai- -
father's brother's younger son ai- -
father's mother qagu qagu
father's sister paá paá
father's sister's son ai- -
father's sisters's older son ai- -
father's sisters's younger son ai- -
father's older brother ai- ai-
father's older brother's son ai- -
father's older sister paá paá
father's older sister's son ai- -
father's younger brother ai- ai-
father's younger brother's son ai- -
father's younger sister paá paá
father's younger sister's son ai- -
husband - kumma
mother pia pia
mother's brother ai- ai-
mother's brother's son ai- -
mother's brother's older son ai- -
mother's brother's younger son ai- -
mother's sister paha paha
mother's sister's son ai- -
mother's sisters's older son ai- -
mother's sisters's younger son ai- -
mother's older brother ai- ai-
mother's older brother's son ai- -
mother's older sister paha paha
mother's older sister's son ai- -
mother's younger brother ai- ai-
mother's younger brother's son ai- -
mother's younger sister paha paha
mother's younger sister's son ai- -
son tua'' tua''
wife piŋwá -
older brother papi-ci papi-ci
older sister paci- paci-
younger brother cahkai cahkai
younger sister nami-ci nami-ci