Parents' and Parents' Siblings
Nuclear family
Siblings and Cousins
Children and Niblings
All Kinterms
Kin type Male Speaker Female Speaker
brother lofu ʔari
brother's daughter naʔu wane
brother's son naʔu ara
brother's wife tala tala
child naʔu naʔu
child's child ʔupu ʔupu
spouse aro aro
father ʔama ʔama
father's brother ʔama ʔama
father's brother's daughter ʔari tafi
father's brother's son lofu ʔari
father's brother's older daughter ʔari tafi
father's brother's older son lofu ʔari
father's brother's younger daughter ʔari tafi
father's brother's younger son lofu ʔari
father's sister ole, ʔina ole, ʔina
father's sister's daughter ʔari tafi
father's sister's son lofu ʔari
father's sisters's older daughter ʔari tafi
father's sisters's older son lofu ʔari
father's sisters's younger daughter ʔari tafi
father's sisters's younger son lofu ʔari
father's older brother ʔama ʔama
father's older brother's daughter ʔari tafi
father's older brother's son lofu ʔari
father's older sister ole, ʔina ole, ʔina
father's older sister's daughter ʔari tafi
father's older sister's son lofu ʔari
father's younger brother ʔama ʔama
father's younger brother's daughter ʔari tafi
father's younger brother's son lofu ʔari
father's younger sister ole, ʔina ole, ʔina
father's younger sister's daughter ʔari tafi
father's younger sister's son lofu ʔari
husband's brother ramaʔa ramaʔa
husband's father ramaʔa ramaʔa
husband's mother ramaʔa ramaʔa
husband's sister ramaʔa ramaʔa
mother ʔina ʔina
mother's brother ama, ole ama, ole
mother's brother's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's brother's son lofu ʔari
mother's brother's older daughter ʔari tafi
mother's brother's older son lofu ʔari
mother's brother's younger daughter ʔari tafi
mother's brother's younger son lofu ʔari
mother's sister ʔina ʔina
mother's sister's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's sister's son lofu ʔari
mother's sisters's older daughter ʔari tafi
mother's sisters's older son lofu ʔari
mother's sisters's younger daughter ʔari tafi
mother's sisters's younger son lofu ʔari
mother's older brother ama, ole ama, ole
mother's older brother's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's older brother's son lofu ʔari
mother's older sister ʔina ʔina
mother's older sister's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's older sister's son lofu ʔari
mother's younger brother ama, ole ama, ole
mother's younger brother's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's younger brother's son lofu ʔari
mother's younger sister ʔina ʔina
mother's younger sister's daughter ʔari tafi
mother's younger sister's son lofu ʔari
parent's parent ʔupu ʔupu
wife's brother ramaʔa ramaʔa
wife's father ramaʔa ramaʔa
wife's mother ramaʔa ramaʔa
wife's sister ramaʔa ramaʔa
sister ʔari tafi
sister's daughter ara naʔu
sister's husband tala tala
sister's son ara naʔu
older brother lofu ʔari
older brother's daughter naʔu wane
older brother's son naʔu ara
older sister ʔari tafi
older sister's daughter ara naʔu
older sister's son ara naʔu
younger brother lofu ʔari
younger brother's daughter naʔu wane
younger brother's son naʔu ara
younger sister ʔari tafi
younger sister's daughter ara naʔu
younger sister's son ara naʔu